V.M.D.M.: I think so. I am passionate about Magic – and I have to emphasize: not the Harry Potter kind and not the magician’s kind. Real magic has an etymological and conceptual connection with the Latin term imago and thus with images and symbols. There is white magic and black magic; white magic is based on love and evolution, while black magic is based on fear, destruction and coercion. These two dynamics give rise to “white” or “black” images. Today’s world does not care about these things, magic hardly exists anymore, but the legacy of this practice has absurdly passed into the hands of brands and capital. Images have the power to change reality; otherwise, brands would not invest billions in the creation of logos, payoffs and campaigns. Logos, payoffs and campaigns are the contemporary counterparts of seals, magic formulas and rituals: The only difference is that today, the magic act is aimed at getting you to buy a product, whereas in the past, it could be used to effect changes (positive or negative) in the world.
It is important to know that today, with AI, we have total power over the creation of images, and it is important to know that these images have a specific weight as far as our life experience is concerned. We are moving out of the information age and into the age of “curatorship”: The possibility of creating anything is around the corner, it is just a matter of will (intention) and selecting the outputs we prefer. Today, our emotional and imaginative space is limited by the symbologies proposed to us by companies and the media, and these “do not always” work for the good and the evolution of the individual.
The task of a spiritual seeker would be to recognize the negative and try to create a free, dreamy and healthy “mental garden.” For this, I would recommend studying the archetypal power of symbols, iconographies (the description of an image) and iconologies (the interpretation of an image). Symbols can bring good or bad luck; it is important to understand how to relate to them, how to purify ourselves from media pollution, and how to create an intimate, clean mental space decorated with positive images.
Of course, even AI systems will not be completely free of a corrupt filter: The data sets and instructions of these machine learning systems are already full of bias and prepackaged information dictated by the 4 or 5 big corporations that control them. It is important to have a conversation about this aspect of the new world we are facing, and when it comes to this specific issue, I would refer everyone to the work of young researchers like Diletta Huyskes and others I am discovering lately, who are ready to enlighten us about the limits and possibilities of these new paradigms. And, above all, it will be good to support both the research that is not tied to purely commercial purposes and the players in the open source and source-available scene in this field.